Matagorda Bay outdoor conditions

Matagorda Bay & Sargent Weather conditions and Tides

Important Note: “Skinny water” fishing near Sargent is fantastic. Near Sargent in the Cedar Lakes, Cowtrap, and Parts of East Matagorda Bay are very shallow. Tide Charts are subject to variability in water level. (Caution) Winds Affect Water Level.  Don’t get stuck in the mud. Precede with caution. Wind, Tides, Moon are  fishing factors to help you catch fish.  Never use these links for planning your trip.  Always check with real time or up to the minute (NOAA) broadcast or US Coast Guard  for up to the minute forecast before embarking on your trip . These links are offered as is. Check  your information for up to the minute information and listen to direct broadcast before embarking. Listen to (NOAA) or US Coast Guard. For vessels operating under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 regulations we recommend they seek reference to specific tide and other products designed for their use.    Click on Fishtails:

Sargent Texas Weather

Matagorda Bay area Weather




Sargent TexasWind Direction for US and Sargent:



Sargent TexasOffshore Buoy NOAA:




Sargent Texas

National Weather Radar:




Winds Affect Water Levels in Bay Fish Calender Too.